What is Power To Change


It is a mindset a way of looking at life…

I have thought about this for a very long time. Like most people, my life has had its ups and downs. I will never compare my life to others for being better or worse. Each of our lives are our own but this is my story of The Power To Change and I hope it will help anyone that takes the time to read it…

Life is a culmination of endless choices. Every moment of every day of your life you make decisions and choices. Think about it a little. you made a choice to check out this website, to read this page. That is just a few things. Let’s look at just one day…

We chose to wake up early, or sleep in late, drink that morning coffee, or maybe it is a quick run to your local coffee shop. Eat or not eat breakfast. Drive the speed limit or go 5 mph over. go the fast-food joint for lunch or bring a salad. drink water or soda. on our way to work we chose to take a left turn or right turn to get where we wanted to go. we picked the outfit we are wearing… I could go on forever if you begin to think about. with that being said now let us look at the big picture of all those decisions. The total of all the decision and choices you have made your entire life have steered you down a path that has led you to right here and now. Right!!! Now I hope that up until this point you are following me and understand this. Now let us look at our life… we all know life is not always that forgiving, and we all have had our highs and lows. Everyone’s life is different and what makes us happy, sad, mad, depressed, etc. is entirely specific to you and you alone. Now unfortunately life did not come with an owner’s manual, so we make lots of decisions and choices that obviously take us places we did not intend on going. So now that you have read this far you should understand the POWER that you as an individual have. So, we have the POWER to make all the decisions and choices every moment of every day of our lives. This is the easiest part of life because we do it so much most of the time, we do not even realize we are doing it. There lies the problem with life…. we all do this… we become so comfortable with our routines, comfortable in our jobs, comfortable in our life. We know what to expect, feel safe, feel normal.

Now regardless of where you are in life right now good or bad this pertains to all of us. let us say our life is good, and you are very comfortable with your life… You have made decisions and choices that had led you to this state. every one of them dictates where your future goes. what if you were to break from that normal comfortable life. do something different, see something new, try something new, learn something new… Being normal and comfortable is nice but also restricts us to live our life to its fullest. Let us say life is not going very well at all... we have all been there. We never knew that we would end up in such a bad place in life physically and mentally. we are so overwhelmed with the situation that we choose many ways to deal with it or cover it up like drugs, alcohol, sex, bad relationships, bad jobs, bad surroundings, and even suicide. the list is almost endless when it comes to how we handle and deal with the bad situations in life. Regardless of what you have done to handle it is what you have chose, no judgement from me. Even in the bad times in life we become comfortable, or a better term is complacent. With all the good and bad in life why is it we become so comfortable in our lives… For the most part it is CHANGE. CHANGE is sometimes the hardest thing in life for us to deal with. With CHANGE comes fear and uncertainty. that is what holds us back because yes with CHANGE there may be some uncertainty but when we let ourselves fear it, we prevent ourselves from bettering ourselves.

How to overcome CHANGE is hardest part of this whole story. We get to a point in life that when we know that CHANGE must happen, but we get so afraid to do it. Think about a time in life that you wanted something bad… That new car, tv, video game, phone, house, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. When you realized you wanted it, you did everything in your POWER to get it right? When we desire something in life, we do whatever it takes to get it or accomplish it. The same thing is important to understand when we look at our personal life. Once we truly realize this, we come to the understanding that we truly have THE POWER TO CHANGE! We know that we have the POWER, and we want to CHANGE bad enough we can accomplish anything. It is also important to understand your POWER TO CHANGE is something you must do for yourself and only for you.

As you take on this journey it will not be easy and there is always life’s ups and downs, and change can be very hard, but the outcome can be some of the most rewarding experiences in life and the journey to get there is something that you can share for the rest of your life. There are a few things you should always remember and say to yourself everyday regardless of how bad things are.

Never Give Up!

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not guaranteed, so live life for today!

Peace Love Unity Respect!

You truly do have the Power To Change!
